** PIKSEL 07 **
::: Hello HACKABILITY :::
15-18 Noviembre
Bergen, Noruega
En horitzoTV transmitirán vía streaming todo el festival :
Piksel es un festival de arte y software libre en Bergen, Noruega. Estaremos transmitiendo via horitzo.tv todo el festival del 15 al 18 de noviembre. Piksel llega este año a su 5ª edición. Esta aventura empezó el 2003 con unos 20 participantes, y con la ilusión de desarrollar herramientas audiovisuales potentes y no privativas. En estos cinco años la propuesta de piksel se ha diversificado y han aumentado el numero de participantes llegando a mas de 80. El lema del festival es «Hello Hackability», y quiere explorar las posibilidades del hacking a todos los niveles, hardware, software y la vida misma. Uno de los apartados estrella del festival es el dedicado al «Circuit Bending». Se llama así a la técnica de buscar otros usos para pequeños electrodomesticos y otros pequeños dispositivos a pilas. Gameboys, transistores, tostadoras… cualquier cacharro es bueno a la hora de aplicarle un poco de magia electrónica y subvertir sus usos. Bienvenidos a Piksel, Bergen quizas queda un poco lejos, pero desde horitzó tv vamos a traeros el Piksel fresquito todos los dias a traves del Streaming. Para mas información podeis visitar la web del festival.
PIKSEL :: About
Piksel is an annual event for artists and developers working with free and open source audiovisual software. Part workshop, part festival, it is organised in Bergen, Norway, by the Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts (BEK) and involves participants from more than a dozen countries exchanging ideas, coding, presenting art and software projects, doing workshops, performances and discussions on the aesthetics and politics of free and open source software.
The development, and therefore use, of digital technology today is mainly controlled by multinational corporations. Despite the prospects of technology expanding the means of artistic expression, the commercial demands of the software industries severely limit them instead. Piksel is focusing on the open source movement as a strategy for regaining artistic control of the technology, but also a means to bring attention to the close connections between art, politics, technology and economy.
The first Piksel event was arranged in november 2003, and gathered around 30 artists/developers from all parts of the world. It consisted of artistic/technical presentations, coding workshops and live performances. All activities were documented in a daily blog:
One of the results from the event was the initiation of the Piksel Technologies for ‘interoperability between various free software applications dealing with video manipulation techniques’ – http://www.piksel.org
Piksel07 is done in collaboration with Gallery 3,14 which will host this years exhibition. Piksel is organised by BEK and a community of core participants including members of collectives dyne.org, goto10.org, ap/xxxxx, hackitectura.net, riereta.net, drone.ws, gephex.org and others.
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