NetstockFest es un festival que tendrá lugar en la red durante la friolera de 60 horas, emitiendo por streaming a través de IceCast, un servidor de código abierto.
Ininterrumpidamente y en directo desde distintos lugares del mundo, sonarán Venetian Snares, Tomas Jirku, Xela y un gran número de artistas provenientes de la escena netlabel… y desde España, Miguel A. Tolosa, artífice del netlabel Conv, que participará como Ubeboet.
… próximamente aparecerán en la web del festival los horarios detallados.
NetstockFest :: The New Hippies
What is NetstockFest?
Interactive methods and devices are allowing new ways for performers to reach audiences across the world, bringing live performances to a global audience.
The first Netstock festival was a joint idea by the minds behind the netlabels OpenLab Records, and maetrixsolution. Between Friday 18th March to Sunday 20th March 2005, we will bring you almost 60 hours of non-stop netaudio music from live performances and DJ’s from many different netlabels across the globe.
Possible bandwith:
We are counting on approx. 4000 users. Please contact us if you wish to provide bandwidth for the event.
Technical aspects:
For Netstock 2005, we will be using the open source broadcasting IceCast server.
Artists will connect to the main Icecast server and radios will relay the broadcasting.
Click Here for a list of audio players supporting IceCast
A full tutorial for IceCast on how to set up and get broadcasting will be announced here soon.
Icecast is a streaming media server which currently supports ogg vorbis and mp3 audio streams. it can be used to create an internet radio station or a privately running jukebox and many things in between. it is very versatile in that new formats can be added relatively easily and supports open standards for communication and interaction. Llibshout is a library for communicating with and sending data to an icecast server. It handles the socket connection, the timing of the data, and prevents bad data from getting to the icecast server. Icecast is being developed on linux and windows, and is being tested with major unices.
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