dynebolic version 2.0 :: codename DHORUBA ::::
the complete system is free to download and copy, go on
and redempt yourself from closed source software ISO CD image of 650 Mbytes
Dyne:bolic GNU/Linux is a live bootable cd, containing a whole operating system that works straight from boot, without the need to install or change anything on the hard disk.
If you like and want to have it on harddisk you can simply copy the /dyne directory on your computer: the simpliest installation ever!
Dyne:bolic is user-friendly: recognizes your hardware devices (sound, video, firewire, and USB), and offers a VAST range of free software applications for multimedia production, audio and video manipulation, sound composition and synthesis, 3D modeling, photography, peer2peer filesharing, web browsing, desktop publishing, word processing, cd burning, email, encryption and anonymity tools and more.
Dyne:bolic is shaped on the needs of media activists and artists to promote free speech as a tool for the production and not only the fruition of digital and analog informations. This operating system is a grassroot effort to spread free software and the spirit of sharing information and knowledge.
Jah Rastafari Livity bless our Freedom! This is free software, share it for the good of yourself and your people, respect others and let them express, be free and let others be free. Live long and prosper in Peace!
But, no Peace without Justice. This software is about Resistance inna babylon world which tries to control more and more the way we communicate and we share informations and knowledge. This software is for all those who cannot afford to have the latest expensive hardware to speak out their words of consciousness and good will. This software has a full range of applications for production and not only fruition of information, it’s a full multimedia studio, you don’t need to buy anything to express your voice. Freedom and sharing of knowledge are solid principles for evolution and that’s where this software comes from.
Inna babylon, money is the main requirement to make a voice possible to be heard by others. Capitalist and fundamentalist governments all around the world rule with huge TV monopolies spreading their propaganda, silencing all criticism.
This is a struggle for Redemption from existing operating systems which always require new expensive hardware for doing the same as ever: give us free players but make us pay for producing our own voices. And the one who protects you rips you off, as the Arabs say.
Dyne:bolic is a tool to produce and publish yourself, freely. There is nothing to consume here, there is all you need to create.
The brand new 2.0 «DHORUBA» release comes out after two years of development and it’s a complete rebuild and rewrite of the whole system, it brings new possibilities in customizing the running system and makes it modular and very easy to include new software, much more usable and mantainable than before.
It includes up to date software especially for audio and video production, making it more usable reliable than before for media artists and creatives to realize their ideas: latest versions of Cinelerra, Ardour and the Jack tools provide a fully featured multimedia studio out of the box, ready for being employed at home, in classes and in media centers.
It provides a complete development environment including the GNU C compiler, various scripting languages and visual programming tools, plus scripts to reproduce various flavours of the CD and switch the software modules included. Now hacking your own dyne:OS is really possible!
It lets you write over all the filesystem, even when running from CD, to make every possible modification you require, compile and install new software or even install packages from other distributions, for instance .deb, .tgz and .rpm binaries.
… and even more, try it and feel at /home !
a page about all software and versions included is kept up to date on
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