La editorial Bloomsbury, que ha absorbido lo que antes era Continuum, continua con la labor de difusión de libros sobre sonido a la vez que da un giro más claro a lo académico con un epígrafe de Sound Studies en su web y una revista con buena parte de la plantilla de Hearing Modernity, ESSA y Sound Effects.
La publicación estará dirigida por Michael Bull que co-edito The Auditory Culture Reader en 2003 y Veit Earlman que editó Hearing Cultures en 2004.
“Sound Studies promises to offer a valuable and rigorous new venue for scholars who are thinking in interdisciplinary ways about sonic cultures. It will also serve to sustain the rich intellectual community that has recently formed around the many kinds of questions that consideration of sound provokes. I look forward to reading it!” Emily Thompson, Princeton University
“Sound Studies is an extremely exciting and important new venture, which will be eagerly welcomed by scholars, artists and students across the world. Sound studies is one of the richest areas of cross-disciplinary enquiry and this new journal will provide a natural point of convergence and conversation for all the different ways in which sound is currently being investigated and understood.” Connor, University of Cambridge
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