Dailymotion.com es el sistema que estamos utilizando para www.forwardtv.net creo que no es el más conocido pero a mi es el que más me gusta, por su facilidad, por su portabilidad, por su origen, etc etc Es bastante recomendable para subir vídeos y transportarlos a todos los sitios imaginables en los que puedas insertar código html. je.
El segundo en liza ha sido You Tube.com Otro que está muy bien
Whether it’s comedy, gore, or wedding videos, the top three contenders in this category have what you’re looking for. They’ve accrued a massive collection of video clips from around the world and across the web. Dailymotion comes out ahead by merit of clean site design, well organized social structure, and clear video hierarchy. Even though YouTube lacks the same aesthetic, its older and more robust community keeps it a close second. Metacafe manages to pull off a similar layout with a less cluttered feel and create an enormous draw to keep watching just one more clip. It doesn’t have the size (and thus the volume of content) behind it yet or nearly the sense of community built around topical groups, but it’s on its way. All three sites have a different “feel” and unique content that will keep you watching much longer than you expect.
Entrevista a uno de los creadores de Daylimotion: http://web2.0awards.org/web20-interviews/dailymotion.php
Página de los premios (el resto de categorías es interesante hacer mención de algunos programas tb): http://web2.0awards.org/
El Blog de Daylimotion.com
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