This talk will address how graphical representations of sound can change the way we hear, and how audio can trick our eyes into seeing strange things. Fredrik Olofsson will demonstrate some audiovisual perception tricks and experiments he has made using the programming language SuperCollider. Simple sounds and simple graphics interconnected and combined quickly become complex and fun phenomena.
Fredrik Olofsson was trained as a composer at the Royal University College of Music in Stockholm. As part of MusicalFieldsForever he has exhibited interactive art at museums and galleries. He currently teaches at the University of Arts of Berlin and is a frequent contributor within the SuperCollider open source community. He is also one of the founding members of TOPLAP, a collective that popularized the use of live coding.
21.05.2012, 18:00h
Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC), aula 349. Edifici l’Auditori.
Entrada lliure / Entrada libre / Free admission
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