Joensuu Soundscape Composition Contest 2011 invites composers and sound artists from all over the world to submit soundscape compositions up to maximum of 15 minutes to be performed in the city centre of Joensuu, Finland from 11th July to 13th July 2011. The contest, organized this year for the first time, seeks new soundscapes to be temporarily installed within the city soundscape of Joensuu. These soundscape compositions may utilize natural and/or synthetic sounds to bring new aural experiences to the city which, during the festival week, will already be full of life.
The theme of this year’s contest is “Transforming Localities”. By this notion, the competitors are encouraged to reflect the possibilities of sound, art and digital communication to challenge, overcome and reshape geographical configurations (such as the hierarchical center/periphery model). Among the expected hearpoints are, how does the global intervene in the local and how do these interact with each other, how does a soundscape transmit a soundplace, shifting a sense of locality over the borders.
Works will be played through the outdoor PA system in the pedestrian zone. Audio output is split in four discrete areas, allowing composers to create multichannel soundscapes. Entries are open to professional or amateur composers/sound artists. The total sum of prizes to be awarded is 3500 euros.
Works received at the latest by 3rd June 2011 will be accepted in the competition.
The contest is organized as a part of annual Popkatu Culture Festival.
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