About the noise maps
The noise maps provide an overview of the ambient noise climate in cities and major transportation sources in England.
Ambient or environmental noise is unwanted or harmful outdoor sound created by human activities. This includes noise created by transportation, such as road, rail and air traffic, and from industrial activity.
The maps account for the number of people affected by different levels of ambient noise, the source of that noise (i.e. road, rail, air or industry) and the locations of the people affected.
The mapping was carried out during 2006-07 in line with the Department’s work to implement the EU’s Environmental Noise Directive. They incorporate the noise maps produced for the 18 English airports that were published last December.
pues a mi no deja de hacerme gracia que legislen en base a una cosa tan subjetiva como es la percepción de ruido, que depende de variables tan volubles como lo que uno esté haciendo, el espacio dónde lo haga, el humor con el que se haya levantado o lo ligero de su tránsito intestinal.
si es que el poder siempre ha tratado de «agarrar» al sonido, esa cosa tan subversiva que cuando la intentas atrapar acabas atravesado por ella.
Tiens toda la razón