“From Revolts to Revolutions”
The theme of the Open Work 2008 is “From Revolts to Revolutions”.
In 1948, in the musical space, the serial field wanted to represent the modernity abolishing the tonal privileges with shots of retrograde canons and mirror writings, being on the whole old rules advantageously presented. This post second war unique model eradicated specific and national cultures. Among the literary sets of the time this model was seen as little preoccupied with communication and split from established order. At the same time, in the re-conquered radiotelephony companies (after World War II), the instruments of communication were to reach the status of instrumentarium for creation. The new electroacoustic world was big-banging, space and time were untied, deferred time, reconstructed spaces, and the ocean of sounds. Where was the revolt, where was the revolution? In 1968, in an environment of wars in series, a new search for freedom rose in numerous countries. Once more while history was being rewritten, broadcasting companies held their part. Freedom of thought, of creation, of expression, of relations connected with new technologies, internationalism and networks, the musical revolution was becoming more and more effective. Today, radios are communication media, but the networks of ideas, of communication and exchange have been amplified and multiplied. History goes on, creation by its side. The 2008 Open work partakes in these networks and proposes to participate on the theme « From revolts to revolutions ». The piece is musical, political, ideological, historical following your choice, and has sounds, texts, quota-sounds, echoes, places, times, countries, reports, and dedications following your mood and choice.
Every year, composers participating in the overture project are more and more numerous. This is the reason why the organizers have decided to set up the following principles:
* All works will be played continuously during the Festival “Synthèse 2008”
* Listeners will communicate their appreciations and preferences
* The organizers will select twenty pieces
* These twenty pieces will be programmed in two concerts of the “Oeuvre Ouverte” series, the first concert at the 38th festival “Synthèse 2008”, the second concert at the 39th festival “Synthèse 2009”.
1. The work overture project is opened to all composers, creators and sonic sculptors who wish to participate.
2. All works have to be finished before mid May 2008. Any work that does not deal with the theme will not be diffused.
3. The duration of your work must span not less than 4 and not more than 6 minutes maximum.
4. Your work must be exempt from all broadcasting and reproduction rights, excepted of course author’s royalties.
5. You must send your work on a CD.
6. Your work will be kept at the IMEB’s and MISAME’s International Sound Library.
To take part in the work overture project you must accept all these conditions.
Dates :
* Please let us know about your decision and send us the information on your work title and duration before the end of March 2008.
The list of participants will be published on the IMEB’s website ( by mid-April.
* Please send us, by email exclusively, your programme note, biography and photograph before April 30, 2008. These information will be published on the website / under the headings Festival / Work overture
* Please send us your work between April 30, 2008 the earliest and May 10, 2008 the latest.
For any additional information, please contact:
IMEB Place André Malraux – BP 39 18001 Bourges (France)
Tél. + 33 (0)2 48 20 41 87 Fax + 33 (0)2 48 20 45 51
email: imeb-bourges@orange.frCet e-mail est protégé contre les robots collecteurs de mails, votre navigateur doit accepter le Javascript pour le voir web:
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