1. The Bourges International Competitions really gather three competitions called sections. Their specificities are dependent on the age of the candidates.
2. To choose the Section you wish to compete in, read under-mentioned the three Section’s descriptive very carefully.
3. To help you decide, you can look at the synoptic of that Section before reading the rules.
4. In the Section II, you must choose between 7 categories : their presentation is described in the articles 22 and 23 of the Section II
5. Choose one of the sections and click on «Rules and registration forms» at the end of the Section chosen to read the information needed to enter the competition.
Note: the rules, the synoptic and the registration forms are written in PDF. To open it you must have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. If you do not have Acrobat Reader you can see informations on technical help on the welcome page that gives you the instructions to download free Acrobat Reader. Or you can contact IMEB by phone, fax or email with your address and the section number you wish to compete in and we will send you by postal mail, the synoptic, rules and the registration forms in paper form.
1. The Competitions are opened to French or foreign entrants.
2. The entrant must choose one of the three Sections he or she wants to enter. In the Section I, the entrant may enter two works maximum. In Section II, the entrant can compete in several categories, with two works maximum by category. However a work already entered in one category will not be accepted in another one. For Section III, please read the specific rules.
3. Entrant must fill out and sign the registration forms A and B for each work submitted. These registration forms available at the end of the rules of each Section can be downloaded from IMEB’s web site: ( and print on paper. This paper form allows an autograph signature by the entrant and makes more easy the repartition of the registration forms in the 3 Sections by the bailiff. This one put one same number (in the order of arrival at his office) on each support of a work, as on the non anonymous registration form A he keeps until the end of the Jury meetings, and as on the anonymous registration form B he gives to the Jury. (If you have any difficulties, please ask IMEB for a printed version).
3 bis. No financial participation is required to the competitors. By return, they have to answer properly the information requests. To facilitate gestion of the documents by the IMEB secretary’s office after the competition, it’s strictly required to each entrant to send with his or her work on CD, the forms A and B on paper and CDRom with biography and program note(s). Also he or she can join a portrait on JPEG format.
4. The entrant’s piece and duly filled registration forms must be received
prior to April 20th 2008
to the following address: Bailiff SCP Laurent Desbois – 1 rue Coursarlon – 18000 Bourges – France.
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