What is intermedium rec.? not a label! but a solitary quelle surprise cd series: not only electronics, real-life recording, remix, pop avantgarde, but also radio play, soundtrack, readytape, reading, radiophone text etc.
after the festival intermedium 1 1999 in berlin, intermedium rec. started in january 2000 with initial publications by samuel beckett, philip jeck and walter ruttmann with dj spooky, to rococo rot, mick harris, john oswald etc.
followed by scanner, andreas ammer, romuald karmakar, ernst jandl and elfriede jelinek.
and coming soon exclusively from intermedium rec. as publication no. 23: real-life recordings from the estate of the most important german pop author – rolf dieter brinkmann.
a promise for the future: intermedium rec. will remain unpredictable!
herbert kapfer / br radio drama and media art
publisher of intermedium rec.
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