This week, Rhizome launched our Tenth Anniversary Festival of Art & Technology, in celebration of our own growth and ongoing advancements in the field of new media art. Ten years after our birth as a net art-related email discussion list, Rhizome has grown into a full-fledged membership organization with a variety of programs and services for the broader community. The Festival includes a seven-month season of exhibits, performances, talks, and other events, and two of its major components are web-based. ‘Times Shares’ is a series of online exhibitions co-presented with the New Museum of Contemporary Art to underscore our ongoing commitment to internet-based art. The collaborative writing project, ‘Keylines,’ is a site at which readers can chat and post essays about topics of importance to the field. It’s already been ‘seeded’ with essays by a number of actively engaged writers and we’re eager for you to join us in the discussion. Meanwhile, we thank you for your suppor! t. –
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