Points of Listening (PoL) is a monthly programme of listening workshops, activities and discussions based in and around London. From January 2014 it takes place every second Wednesday of the month. Events are held at the London College of Communication in addition to various locations, outdoors and indoors, throughout the city.
PoL seeks to promote and investigate listening together: to perform a ‘musica practica’ of field recording, deep listening, remote listening, film listening, textual listening, listening to the audible, inaudible and more.
PoL is a CRiSAP project, co-convened by Salomé Voegelin and Mark Peter Wright.
What to expect:
• Participatory workshops and activities (indoors or outdoors)
• Field trips to relevant locations/institutes/orgs
• Readings/text based provocations and debate
• Book clubs, film screenings, listening sessions
• Experiments, interventions and actions
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