Free Multi-channel Audio Environment (Pd, Max/MSP)
nSLAM is an open-source audio suite for multi-channel audio application development, developed by the SAT Audio Group. It is written for the PD (Pure Data, by M. Puckette) environment and includes a library of low-level DSP objects called “xjimmies” (also running in Max/MSP), online help, and example applications for multi-channel audio streaming and immersive audio, among others. The nSLAM project draws on the xjimmies library, which is a continuation of “xjimmies” and the original “jimmies” library, developed for the ISPW (Ircam Signal Processing Workstation) and then ported to MAX/MSP. Several of the xjimmies objects and abstractions are derived from the original sources in the IRCAM Jimmies release (1994), with the authorization of IRCAM (nSLAM is also made available on the IRCAM Forum site (, as an incentive to PD users to join and contribute to Forum IRCAM).
The “xjimmies” library included with nSLAM v2.0 offers new functionality not defined in the original “jimmies” running under Max/MSP. Specifically, a number of new objects have been added for working with multichannel sound, sound source simulation and immersive audio. The name of the library, formerly “jimmies”, was changed to “xjimmies”, since the “X”-platform library runs in both PD (Windows/OSX/Linux) and now, in Max/MSP (Windows/OSX).
nSLAM includes some example applications, for didactic and practical purposes; the applications can be easily cannibalized by users looking for spare parts, or wishing to develop their own custom applications. Applications for multi-channel streaming and sound processing are offered.
We are now working on the next version of xjimmies, which will begin to provide low-level support for immersive (3-d) audio. The next release of xjimmies will be included in a new audio suite called «AudioTwist»; The NSLAM suite will continue, but will focus mainly on streaming, while AudioTwist will provide a framework, and example applications for 3-D immersive audio and audiovisual applications, with links to the SAT’s «LightTwist» immersive environment platform. Both nSLAM and AudioTwist will use the xjimmies lib.
Vía: Create Digital Music
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