HörenSehen 2.0 es un festival berlinés centrado en la interacción entre la música contemporánea y el videoarte. Además de presentar varias actuaciones e instalaciones desarrolladas por compositores y artistas visuales, se ofrecerán varias conferencias.
Klangnetz e.V. and the Berlinische Galerie present a three day festival exploring possible interactions between contemporary music and video art under three curatorial aspects: installation, performance, and narrative.
The festival features six mixed media works which have been developed in close collaboration by six international teams of composers and visual artists, and which are complemented with four lectures by both artists and theoreticians that reflect on general questions derived from the curational themes, as well as from specific characteristics of the scheduled works.
Se trata de un proyecto organizado por Klangnetz e.V., una asociación dedicada a apoyar a los compositores jóvenes afincados en Berlín. Podéis encontrar la programación completa en hoerensehen.net
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